Can you read this? Oh dear. The site probably won't look too good for you then. See the 'NOTE:' section at the bottom of the page.
The people of and a select few they are.
The start of a dedicated resource for the history of the Shugg family, with the hope of one day getting a decent family tree on-line and seeing how many of the "Internet Shuggs" we can connect to.
Currently just contains a document penned by my late paternal grandfather after he traced back his antescendants a few hundred years.
Collections of pictures. Currently just one big mess.
We have LAN parties.
Various files are available for your perusal, download, bemusement and subsequent deletion. They're on the FTP server.
You guessed it. Other stuff.
All the gory (ie boring) details about how this site was made, which exciting web standards it is compliant with, blah blah blah, can be found on a separate page.
NOTE: While this site was written with the intent of being readable on pretty much any browser or other Internet device, if you can see this message then your browser is missing cascading style sheets (CSS) and/or has poor support for XHTML, which are established web standards.
Please consider upgrading your browser to a standards-compliant version. More information is available at The Web Standards Project's BROWSER UPGRADE initiative.
If you won't, or can't, then don't come whinging to me about how the site looks.