Can you read this? Oh dear. The site probably won't look too good for you then. See the 'NOTE:' section at the bottom of the page.
If you think this page sucks, you should see some other pages I've written ... at least this one has content. Of sorts.
Freaky. It is only Thursdays that this site gets updated. I'm beginning to suspect some kind of conspiracy!
New clients for BZFlag have been released,
which you can download here for Mac
OS X, Linux/x86, and Windows. Then connect up to our server -
on port
- and join in the fun. =) If you're
running Windows there is also the BZEdit program to download, which lets you
build worlds for us to shoot Pete in.
There are also rumours of another LAN party in the near future, courtesy of the recently relocated Mr & Mrs Jones. Stay tuned ...
Why is it that this site only gets updated on Thursdays? Odd.
For your delectation we have some new stuff down in the Pictures section (you'll have to scroll down to it because I'm too lazy to put in a #pictures link).
We also have details of the next LAN party! Hooray! Go to the Calendar section for more information.
Nothing here yet, really, 'part from the mailing list.
More stuff will be coming eventually.
The next LAN party will be on Saturday, 14th June 2003 at Anthony's place in Wembley Downs. See Anthony's post to the list for more information. Please let him know that you're coming so he can make adequate preparations.
The last successful LAN party was on Friday, 18th April 2003 at Pete's place.
There was also one at WEZ!'s place on Saturday, 19th April 2003 but Pete slept in and missed it. What a slack git he is.
The next scheduled LAN party will be ... well, we don't know yet. As soon as possible, preferably. We need a voting mechanism so we can all vote for whose house we want it at, and when, and then that person has to host it.
Can you host a LAN party? All you need is floor space. And spare tables and chairs. And lots of power boards. And a 16 port 100Mbit switch. And a fast Internet connection. And, if possible, up to 6 spare high-performance gaming rigs. But if you can manage at least the floor space, we'll all pitch in and manage to take care of the rest. =)
Our LAN parties are never terribly huge; I think the biggest turn-out we've ever had was less than fifteen people. So even if you've got a small house we can still all fit ... hopefully ... even if we have to put Pete in the toilet with an extension cord (now there's an idea).
To host a LAN party, send a proposal to the mailing list!
At some point we'll gather a bit of info about the regular LAN party attendees (and the more infamous of the infrequent attendees) so that people who are too embarressed to talk to someone they don't know can find out a bit more about them. =)
We have a mailing list to discuss LAN party issues (like planning when and were we are going to have the next one) and other important topical and non-topical things.
You can read more about the list or just check the archives for stuff that's already happened.
The mailing list posts all currently get the following message at the bottom:
/* This is the "shuggnet-lanparty" mailing list. Phear our 'leet skillz. Email to send a reply to the list (ie the message goes to everybody). More info on the web site: No sheep were harmed in the creation of this message. */
If you think this is crap and have suggestions for improvements, make them known to the list admins. You may or may not receive an acknowledgement, depending upon the apathy levels at that particular point in time.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore magna aliquam erat volutpat. Ut wisi enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ulliam corper suscipit lobortis nisl ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis autem veleum iriure dolor in hendrerit in vulputate velit esse molestie consequat, vel willum lunombro dolore eu feugiat nulla facilisis at vero eros et accumsan et iusto odio dignissim qui blandit praesent luptatum zzril delenit augue duis dolore te feugait nulla facilisi.
Li Europan lingues es membres del sam familie. Lor separat existentie es un myth. Por scientie, musica, sport etc., li tot Europa usa li sam vocabularium. Li lingues differe solmen in li grammatica, li pronunciation e li plu commun vocabules. Omnicos directe al desirabilitá de un nov lingua franca: on refusa continuar payar custosi traductores. It solmen va esser necessi far uniform grammatica, pronunciation e plu sommun paroles.
Ma quande lingues coalesce, li grammatica del resultant lingue es plu simplic e regulari quam ti del coalescent lingues. Li nov lingua franca va esser plu simplic e regulari quam li existent Europan lingues. It va esser tam simplic quam Occidental: in fact, it va esser Occidental. A un Angleso it va semblar un simplificat Angles, quam un skeptic Cambridge amico dit me que Occidental es.
It is also intended to put a FAQ list together. Submit your questions via the mailing list for them to appear here.
For now we have the following topics:
Q: How come Pete lost 10-20 to Andrew in Q3A deathmatch?
A: Andrew was wearing his Q3A t-shirt that makes him invincible.
Q: Um, okay, what's the real reason Pete lost?
A: Because Pete is crap.
Q: Who or what is Clan Bone?
A: Clan Bone is the team of Mr Hip Bone and Mr Ham Bone, sworn LAN enemies of Pete and upholders of the "Pete is crap" legend.
Q: How come WEZ! is so damn good at Q3A and UT?
A: WEZ! 0wnz. Not even Clan Bone can defeat him, except when he's having a bad day. Then he gets pasted. Like Pete. Mwahahahaha.
We'll put some pictures here at some point.
Suggested themes for screenshots to be submitted to us:
Here are some simple pictures that Andrew S made - one of self-mockery and the rest taking the piss out of Pete, as is only appropriate.
Pete also made some really dumb pictures trying to mock Andrew S. However as the "Ham Bone" was just a player standing there without anyone controlling him, it's not really all that funny. Nice try Pete, but you still suck.
What would any web-page-written-by-shugg be like without a Links section?
An instant classic (just add water). From the golden years of the Macintosh. ;)
(Pete and Andrew wasted a lot of time on Fungus at uni. Not as much time as was wasted doing other things, but still a lot.)
This site will - hopefully - grow and include direct links and version numbers for all the mods we like playing, helpful info, amusing screenshots that people have taken, etc.
If you have any material at all that you'd like to contribute, please post it to the mailing list.
Thanks, Andrew S.
NOTE: While this site was written with the intent of being readable on pretty much any browser or other Internet device, if you can see this message then your browser is missing cascading style sheets (CSS) and/or has poor support for XHTML, which are established web standards.
Please consider upgrading your browser to a standards-compliant version. More information is available at The Web Standards Project's BROWSER UPGRADE initiative.
If you won't, or can't, then don't come whinging to me about how the site looks.